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Traveling when Your Passport is About to Expire

Traveling when Your Passport is About to Expire

Today, most countries will not allow travelers entry unless their passports are set to expire at least six months after the end of their trips. As a result, it is highly unlikely that you can travel internationally with a passport that has less than six months to the expiry date. Even if you manage to travel with the passport, getting back home could be a serious problem. 

Domestic Flights 

If you are flying within the United States, there is no reason to worry even if your passport is expired. But, you must have a valid form of ID recognized in the US like a driver’s license. There is no requirement for using a passport on domestic flights. 

International Flights 

Flying internationally with a passport that is about to expire is almost impossible. However, there are two options to go about it. The first option is attempting to get an expedited passport before the one that you have expires. It is possible to get an expedited passport but, it might take time and a lot of input. 

As soon as you realize that your passport is about to expire, contact the US Passport Office immediately for an expedited passport. You can also liaise with a reliable passport agency for the same. Make sure you confirm with the people expediting the passport about all the requirements for processing it. Sometimes, you may be asked to give proof that you are scheduled to travel in the next two weeks. 

To get an expedited passport, you will also need to pay a fee for processing the document. The fees may vary but, it usually costs about $170 to process an expedited passport. 

Expediting your passport is convenient but, can sometimes conflict with your travel schedule. The other option is to simply cancel or reschedule the trip. Nevertheless, it is always best for every traveler to keep the expiration dates of their passports in check to avoid the trouble. 

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